如何向ICANN投诉域名商 索取域名转移密码




1、Your name 填写您的名字 注册域名是的 可查询whios信息得到
2、Your organization(if any)填写组织机构,选填
3、Your email address 栏目填写注册域名时的email,方便联系
4、Your phone number(optional)填写您的电话
5、Specific domain name 您要投诉的域名
6、Please select your issue 写上您将要投诉的问题类型,我们选
Transfer Problems 表示是域名转移相关的问题。
7、下面的brief summary写上您的投诉事件,简单清楚即可。




I bought a domain(这里填您的域名) in 2008.
I decided to transfer my domain to other for the better service and lower renew price.
But the agent disappeared and dont provide the auth code to me. And dns.com.cn ask me to renew the domain first which will cost me 130 RMB.
I think Im the domain owner and I have the right of transfering my domain by free. But many domain agents in China (not only dns.com.cn)always set up many check points and collect fees to avoid customers transfering domain out of them.
Pls ask dns.com.cn send the auth code of amznz.com to its owner email and regulate the behavior of Chinese agents.

Many Thanks